UACES Facebook Arkansas Corn 2020 Crop Cash Market and 2021 Crop Booking Market Reports (Aug 2 - 6, 2021)
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Arkansas Corn 2020 Crop Cash Market and 2021 Crop Booking Market Reports (Aug 2 - 6, 2021)

by Bob Stark, Professor Emeritus and Extension Economist and Jason Kelley, Professor and Extension Agronomist – Wheat and Feed Grains - August 6, 2021


This report is a weekly newsletter summarizing cash market pricing quotes from selected markets as reported to National Agricultural Statistics Service in Arkansas.


2020 Crop Cash Market

Figure 1

The Arkansas No. 2 Yellow Corn 2020 Crop Cash Market posted a solid gain over the weekend before moving lower through the first half of the trading week.  Price made another solid gain on Thursday before going steady in Friday closing trade (Figure 1).  The old crop market grew thinner as only the Little Rock market submitted price quotes for the past week.  The Little Rock market price rose 12 cents over the weekend and opened on Monday at a statewide average of $5.59, a gain of just 3 cents from the previous Friday statewide average that included both the Little Rock and West Memphis markets.  Price at Little Rock fell 8 cent son Tuesday and 5 more cents on Wednesday to $5.46 before reversing on Thursday.  Price rose 10 cents on that day before dropping 1 cent on Friday to a closing level of $5.55, a 1 cent decrease from the previous week closing day average, but 8 cents higher than the Little Rock market price on that Friday.  The highest daily market price quote at Little Rock for the past week was $5.59 on Monday.  The low quote of the week was the $5.46 price on Wednesday.  No closing day price split between markets could be made since only Little Rock provided quotes.


2021 Crop Booking Market

Figure 2

The Arkansas Yellow Corn 2021 Crop Booking Market moved similar to the old crop market after posting an identical weekend gain (Figure 2).  Price fell both Tuesday and Wednesday before reversing course on Thursday.  The market steadied on Friday with just a small loss to end the week.  The new crop weekend gain was 12 cents and the market opened on Monday with a statewide average of $5.73, 9 cents over the previous week first trading day.  Price fell 8 cents on Tuesday and 5 more cents on Wednesday to a statewide average of $5.60 before gaining 10 cents on Thursday.  The market slipped 1 cent on Friday to a closing statewide average of $5.69, still 8 cents over the previous week closing mark.  High individual market quote of this past week was $5.76 on Monday at West Memphis.  The low individual market quote of the week was $5.59 on Wednesday at both Old Town/Elaine and Osceola.  Four markets provided price quotes on each day of the past week.  Individual Friday market price quotes spanned a 5 cent range from a $5.67 low at Osceola to a high of $5.72 at West Memphis.


(Market average prices stated in this report are unweighted averages of the state markets surveyed by USDA-AMS.  Price data was based on USDA LR GR111 Arkansas Daily Grain Reports.)

